Friday, May 10, 2013

Finished with coursework for this semester... I feel like this:

(the second minion from the left-- that's the one I feel like, right when he starts singing at 8 seconds in. Look at that elation! Then, the end describes my semester perfectly. Glad it's over!)

Time to close some halls. Send the students home. Going to enjoy SPRING! 


  1. I have seen this before but it was even funnier picturing the little guy as you! Who'd you punch in the face?
    Also, I watched this with Josh, who loves the minions (and bananas) more than anyone I know. They make him giggle like a small child.

  2. Is it possible to punch the last four weeks? I'd settle for that. Otherwise, I'd just say "group work is...a struggle" and leave it at that ;)

  3. Lol! I laughed a lot more than I should have at the end. I think I might steal this for the end of every school year ;)

    1. I know...there's something really validating about that punch at the end.. :)
